Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Power Sector

Source: Planning Department, U.P. as per Annual Plan 2014-15 

Power is the engine of growth of any developing economy. Consumption of electrical energy is a universally accepted indicator of progress in the agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors, as also of the well being of the people of the State. No major economic activity can be sustained without adequate and reliable supply of power. It plays a critical role in employment generation, regional development and poverty eradication. With rapid social, economic and industrial development of the state, the demand for electricity is increasing. In order to keep the on going pace of development, the State has recognized the need for generation capacity augmentation, strengthening and augmentation of transmission and distribution network. Prevention of theft of electricity, reduction in system distribution losses and Energy conservation will also help in reducing the load/demand on the distribution system and help in providing quality supply of electricity to consumers. Presently Uttar Pradesh is facing a peak shortfall of 2000-2500 MW. As per Eighteenth EPS, the peak demand for Uttar Pradesh by the end of 12th Plan is estimated at around 23081 MW.


Expected Demand & Availability

The demand of power in the State of Uttar Pradesh is expected to increase significantly in the years to come and to meet this demand there is an urgent need to augment the generation capacity in the state. To meet this objective and ensure availability of 650 Kwh. per capita by the end of 2017, the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has encouraged Private Participation in the Power Sector. Following table shows the projection of demand and availability in XII Plan:

Details of Demand &  Availability






Peak Load  (As per 18th EPS)






Estimated Available peak load 







As per CEA General Review 2011 report per capita consumption in U.P. during F.Y. 2009-10 is 386.93 Kwh against an all India average of 778.63 Kwh. U.P. is committed for per capita availability of 650 Kwh electricity by 2017.

Proposed Additional Power Generation Capacity during 12th Plan











1 (A)

State Sector


Parichha Extn stage II










Anapara (D)










Harduaganj Extn










Sub Total









 2 (B)

Joint Sector












Sub Total









3 (C)



Bara (JP Asso.)










Sub Total












3000 MW




















Sub Total









5 (E)

Private Sector


Sri Nagar Hydro










Sasan UMPP









6 (F)

Central sector (Hydro)










 Central Sector




















Thermal Generation (Up Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.)


The demand of electricity is increasing continuously. In order to minimise  the gap between the demand and availability of electricity and to ensure better productivity of agricultural, industrial and other fields, U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam has envisaged installation of new Thermal Power Projects and renovation & modernization of old generating stations and extension of its existing Power Stations.

The details of installed capacity (de-rated) of thermal power stations under UPRVUNL on  31.03.2014 are as follows :-



De-rated Installed Capacity 
in MW as on 31.03.2013

De-rated Installed Capacity 
in MW as on 31.03.2014



1288 (=2x50+2x94*+5x200)

1288 (=2x50+2x94+5x200)



210 (=2x105)

210 (=2x105)



415 (=1x60+1x105+1x250)

665 (=1x60+1x105+2x250)



890  (2x110+2x210+1x250)

1140  (2x110+2x210+2x250**)



1630 (=3x210+2x500)

1630 (=3x210+2x500)





1.  Unit no. 6 of Parichha TPP- 250 MW** has been taken on commercial load w.e.f. 8.04.2013.
2. Unit no. 9 of Harduaganj TPP- 250 MW has been taken on commercial load w.e.f.10.10.2013.

During the 12th Plan (2012-17), UPRVUNL has planned to install new units/Thermal Power

Projects as detailed below:-


Name of Thermal power  project

Capacity in MW

Whether Spilled over from 11th Plan

Construction proposed to start in 12th Plan







1x250 MW Harduaganj TPP

250 MW




2x250 MW Parichha TPP

500 MW




2x500 MW Anpara-D Thermal Power project

1000 MW




1x660 MW Harduaganj Thermal Power project

660 MW




2x660 MW Obra ‘C’ Thermal Power project

1320 MW




1x660 MW Panki Thermal Power project

660 MW




Total of A

4390 MW









Meja Thermal Power project(in joint venture with NTPC)(2x660 MW)

1320 MW




Thermal Power project in joint venture with NLC(3x660MW)

1980 MW




Total of B

3300 MW




Total (A+B)

7690 MW




Projects under construction/proposed in State Sector/Joint Venture:

State Sector:

2x250 MW Harduaganj Thermal Power Extension Project
The Boiler, Turbine & Generator (B.T.G.) work of this project has been got executed through BHEL. The zero date of this project is 07.09.2006. First and second unit of  250MW each (unit no.-8&9) have been taken on commercial load w.e.f. from 01.02.2012 and 10.10.2013 respectively. The revised project cost is Rs. 3168.36 crore..


2x250 MW Parichha Thermal Power Extension Project:

The B.T.G. work of this project has been got executed through BHEL. The zero date of this project is 04.08.2006. First and second unit of 250MW each (unit no.-5&6) have been taken on commercial load w.e.f. 17.07.2012 and 18.04.2013 respectively. 
The revised project cost under revision, the earlier approved cost is Rs. 2920 crore, towards which Rs. 944.00 crore shall be met as UP Govt. Equity.


2x500 MW Anpara ‘D’ Thermal Power Project :

The BTG and some part of associated BOP including Chimney and Ash Handling System are being got constructed through BHEL. The zero date of this project is 13.01.2008. The hydro test of  Unit no. 06 and 07 have been completed on 29.102012 and 03.07.2013 respectively. The work of coal handling system is almost complete. The work of MGR and Wagon trippler are in progress. The 765 KV switch yard work, being executed through UPPTCL, is almost complete.   The Synchronization dates, as per latest schedule submitted by M/s BHEL, for first and second units are December,2014 and Febuary,2014 respectively. 
The revised cost of this project is Rs 5843.02 crore against the estimated cost of Rs. 5358.79 crore out of which, seventy percent,  Rs 4090.11 crore  shall be met through REC loan and  remaining, thirty percent, 1752.91 crore shall be UP Govt. equity.

1x660 MW Harduaganj Extn. (II) TPP :

This is a Super Critical Thermal Power Project being undertaken by UPRVUNL and this Project is being set up in the existing premises of Harduaganj Thermal Power Station. The Detailed Project Report has been prepared by M/s NTPC Ltd. Govt. of UP has accorded approval, in September 2011, for construction of this project through UPRVUNL. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 4826.50 which will be met through loan from M/s PFC (for 80% of the cost) and remaining 20% will be met through UP Govt equity. 
Energy Task Force has accorded consent for the use of coal from Chendipara coal blocks and NOC from Govt. of Orissa has also been accorded . Water allocation for the Project has been accorded by U.P. Irrigation Department. The revised EIA study report has been submitted to MOEF on 06.03.2014. The project has been listed on 26.05.2014 for consideration by Expert Appraisal Committee MOEF. Loan of 80% of the estimated cost has been sanctioned by M/s PFC, New Delhi. M/s DESEIN, New Delhi have been appointed consultant for pre award and post award activities of the project on 13.08.2012. Tendering is under process.
The estimated cost of the Project is Rs. 4826.50 Crores (20% equity and 80% loan).

2x660 MW Obra ‘C’ TPP :

Draft DPR for this project has been prepared. The Chendipara Coal Block has been allocated by Ministry of Coal for this project. Water (54 cusec) for this project has been allocated by UP Government from Rihand Reservoir. EIA study report has been submitted to MOEF on 28.09.2012 and presentation before Expert Appraisal Committee of MOEF was made on 05.11.2012 in which it was directed to submit the revised papers. The papers for public hearing have been submitted to MOEF. Approval from Govt of U.P.  for construction of this project in public sector through UPRVUNL has been already accorded. MOEF has imposed moratorium on installation of new industrial units in Singrauli area, the further activity regarding installation of the project will be taken up after lifting of moratorium. 
The estimated cost of the Project is Rs. 8777.71 Crores, towards which Rs. 1755.54 cr (20% of estimated cost) shall be met as UP Govt. Equity.


Panki TPP :
Energy Task Force, UP Govt. in the meeting held on 10.05.2014 has accorded approval for installation of additional 1x660MW unit.  The NOC for 275 m high Chimney, in the existing premises of Panki TPS besides already existing unit of 105 MW. NOC for 275m high chimney from AAI has been obtained on 18.01.2013. Ministry of coal has accorded consent for coal block for this project. The DPR has been got prepared through consultant. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 4712.31.


Joint Venture :

2x660 MW Meja TPP :


This project is being implemented under the Joint Venture of UPRVUNL & NTPC in Tehsil Meja of Distt Alahabad. NTPC and UPRVUNL will have the equity share as 50:50 percent. The State will have 75% share of the electricity generated from this project. The JV Company “Meja Urja Nigam (P) Ltd (MUNPL)” has been formed between UPRVUNL and NTPC. Coal linkage for this project has been approved by Ministry of Coal, GOI. Letter of Assurance for issue coal for 5.59 MT per annum from South Eastern coal field, Chattisgarh has been issued. Environmental Clearance for this project has been accorded in January 2011 by MOEF, Govt. of India. Loan agreement for Rs. 7575.00 Crore has been signed on 06.06.2012 with consortium of sixteen banks led by State Bank of India. The zero date of the project is fixed as 30.04.2012. The proposed full load operation date of 1st & 2nd unit are August-2016 and Febuary-2017 respectively. 

The estimated cost of the project is Rs 10829.58 crore (30% equity and 70% loan), towards which  Rs. 1624.44 crore (UPRVUNL’s share of equity) shall be met as UP Govt. equity towards which Rs 775.69 crores have been provisioned upto 2013-2014.


3x660 MW Thermal Power Project (Ghatampur): 

This project is proposed to be installed in Tehsil Ghatampur , Distt Kanpur under joint venture of UPRVUNL and Neyveli Lignite Corp (P) Ltd. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd and UPRVUNL will bear the equity share respectively as 51:49 percent. The joint venture agreement (JVA) has already been signed on 06.10.2012 and the joint venture company “Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited (NUPPL)”  has been registered on 09.11.2012.   Topographical survey of the proposed site has been got done through IIT, Kanpur. Feasibility Report has been got prepared by NLC through consultants M/s Fitchner. The land acquisition and appointment of consultant is in progress. PPA has been signed between NLC and UPPCL on 31.12.2013. The MOEF clearance and approval of GOI thereafter for installation of the project is awaited. 
The estimated cost of the project is Rs 14375.40 crore (30% equity and 70% loan), towards which Rs. 2113.18 crore (UPRVUNL’s share of equity) shall be met as UP Govt. equity. 
R&M/ Refurbishment/ Uprating schemes


Ongoing Schemes:

Uprating of unit no. 7 of Harduaganj TPS from 110 MW to 120 MW
Uprating work of Unit no. 7 of Harduaganj TPS is being executed by M/S BHEL. Estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.392.00 crores. Loan of Rs. 313.60 crore has been finalised with PFC and remaining Rs. 78.40 crore shall be met from state government equity/internal resources. Zero date of the scheme is 12.06.2009.  After completion of this scheme capacity of unit no.7 will be enhanced from 110MW to 120MW and 80% PLF is expected with 15 years life extension. The work is scheduled to be completed by June 2014.


Refurbishment/Up-rating of 5x200 MW Units of Obra ‘B’ TPS

Refurbishment scheme of 5x200 MW Units(unit no. 9 to 13) of Obra ‘B’ was initially costing Rs 1635 Crore but some additional works the cost has become Rs 1702.14 crores. Under this scheme apart from complete R&M of boiler, turbine rotors of these units are to be replaced with advanced design of new rotor to enhance the capacity of each unit from 200 MW to 216 MW. This scheme is being executed through BHEL. Zero date of the scheme is 20.06.2006  and initially it was  proposed to complete the work within 30 months from zero date. The shut down of unit no. 09 was delayed because BHEL has delayed the supply of HP rotor and casing. The shut down of unit no. 9 was given on 02.11.2008 and was got operational in June 2011. Presently BHEL does not have the technology of 216 MW because of the end of contract between BHEL and M/s Power Machines, Russia. Due to this problem the scheme of getting the machine no. 10-13 refurbished on name plate rating has been  got approved by the Energy Task Force of UP Govt on 12.12.2012. M/s BHEL will complete the work of machine no. 10,11,12 & 13 in 33 months wef 25.03.2013. The work on machine no. 10&11 is in progress. Which is scheduled to be completed by March-2015 & June-2015.


R&M Scheme of unit no. 4 and 5 (2x500 MW) of Anpara ‘B’ TPS 

R&M scheme  of unit no. 4 and 5 of Anpara ‘B’ TPS is being executed by M/S BHEL & M/S MITSUI & Co. Japan, OEM and others.  The total estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.691.97 cr. out of which Loan agreement amounting to Rs 553.576 crore shall be met by  loan from M/s PFC and remaining Rs. 138.39 cr. from UP Govt. equity/internal resources. Work is under progress and is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 2017. After completion of scheme, average PLF of units are expected to be sustained above 90%.

R&M Scheme of unit no. 7 and 8 (2x100 MW) of Obra A TPS

This R&M scheme is being executed by M/S BHEL. Zero date of the scheme is 04.12.2009. Estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.178.00 crores towards which loan of Rs. 142.40 crore has been finalised with PFC and remaining Rs. 35.60 crore shall be met from state government equity/internal resources. Initially this scheme was for unit no. 7 & 8.  Subsequently unit no 8 was given shut down on 26.06.2011 and as per CEA guide lines this unit has been proposed for deletion from the installed capacity.

 The  work of unit no.7 is  being carried out and is  proposed to be completed by November-2014.  After completion of the scheme, 60 % average PLF of unit no. 7 is expected and the unit is expected to run for the period of 5 years or more.


R&M of unit no. 2 of Parichha TPS.

Estimated cost of  this scheme is Rs.287.50 Crore. The Loan of Rs 218.48 Crore has been arranged from PFC and remaining Rs 69.02 Crs shall be required from  Govt. of U.P. BTG  work is  executed by M/S BHEL and BOP by approved vendors of BHEL. The scheme cost includes BTG work of unit no. 2 and BOP work of unit no. 1 & 2 of Parichha TPS. After completion of scheme, average PLF of unit is expected to be sustained near about 75%. The old ESPs are being replaced by new one so that the environmental norms will be achieved, oil coal and auxiliary consumption will be reduced. The electricity generation has been started from unit no. 02 but the balance of plant work is in progress.


R&M  Scheme for unit no.1 of Parichha TPS (1x110 MW)

The R&M  scheme of unit no.1 of Parichha TPS (1x110 MW) is formulated and is proposed to be executed through BHEL and their approved vendors. The estimated cost of the scheme is Rs. 93.89 crores which is to be met by loan from FI (80%) and UP Govt equity (20%). The scheme has been approved by Energy Task Force of UP Govt on 14.03.2013.After completion of this scheme the PLF is expected to improve to 75% from 52.68%. The R&M will also result in reduction in oil, coal and auxiliary consumption and heat rate.
ERP-Networking in U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited and Process Computerization through ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for carrying out most of the routine activities:
UPRVUNL started its IT project named PRAGATI (Process Re-engineering and Growth Acceleration through Technology Infusion) with the aim to transform the organization by computerizing and automating all its major processes and systems through ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Mainly the project includes:


  1. Providing Computers to Employees and establishment of LAN ( Local Area Network)
  2. Business Process Re-Engineering
  3. Establishment of ERP and BI (Business Intelligence ) applications
  4. Establishment of H/W and S/W for monitoring of plant parameters
  5. Reorganization of HR Policy, Organization structure, manpower etc.
  6. Change Management for the above.

This project shall strengthen reporting system, enhance the proper decision taking capability and strengthen the identified weak areas. This will help in reducing generation cost and improve the financial condition of organization.


M/s Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd is appointed as consultant for the project.
There is a provision of Rs 8.00 crore in the FY 2013-14 but the withdrawl could not be effected due to want of approval from  Energy Task Force.   


Action Plan under CREP (Corporate Responsibility for Environmental         Protection) for Environmental Protection as per directives of CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) 
An action plan for various works under CREP required to be executed at Anpara, Obra, Panki, Parichha and Harduaganj Thermal Power Stations for meeting out the various norms fixed by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi amounting to Rs. 532.00 Crores have been approved by UPRVUNL Board of Directors. 

Works amounting Rs. 152.00 Crores in respect of Obra B (5X200 MW) are included in the refurbishment scheme for which approval has been given by UP Govt. This work has been awarded to BHEL. Further the work of installation of new ESPs at Harduaganj (unit # 3,5 & 7) and Parichha 2x210 MW has also been awarded to BHEL. The action plan includes mainly following works at all the Thermal Power Stations –


  1. Installation of new ESPs for meeting the emission norms of 100 mg/Nm3 .
  2. Installation of dry fly ash extraction plant .
  3. Installation of opacity meter with online recording facility.
  4. Water Recirculation System.


The CREP Scheme for Anpara Thermal Power Station, estimated cost Rs 228.75 crore, has been approved by Energy Task Force of UP Govt. Under this scheme Dry Fly Extraction System at Anpara ‘A’ TPS(3x210MW), Ash water recirculation system, R&M of ESP, installation of opacity meter, installation of Flue gas conditioning system and Effluent treatment plant are to be executed.  
There will be indirect benefit towards improvement in the generation as the standards fixed by the Central Pollution Control Board will be achieved and therefore it will improve environment of the power stations and its surrounding area.


PPP Infrastructure in Thermal Generation 
To meet the shortfall in availability of power following projects are being taken up under Case-2 and under MOU route in 12th Plan. 
Under Case-2 the State Govt. arranges land, provides water linkage, arranges fuel linkages and obtain all statutory clearances for the project. Govt. of U.P. efforts have resulted into huge participation by private sector in U.P. Power Sector.

The work of Bara (3x660MW) has already been awarded on competitive bidding basis and work is in progress.Two units of this project are scheduled to be commissioned in 2014-15 & third unit in 2015-16. The work for 2x660 MW Karchhna Power Project has been awarded on competitive bidding basis but land acquisition has been quashed by the Hon’ble High Court subject to deposit of compensation by the land owners.In view of the decision of Hon’ble High Court ETF has decided that the land acquisition be done again. Bid process for selection of developer for 2x660 MW Jawaharpur (Etah) Thermal Power Project is under progress.


Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) Projects


  1. Bhognipur Power Project (2x660MW) Distt. Ramabainagar   (M/s Himawat Power Pvt.  Ltd.)


Bhognipur Power Project (Phase-II)2(2x660MW) Distt. Ramabainagar (M/s Lanco Anpara Power Ltd.)


Lalitpur Power Project (3x660MW) Distt. Lalitpur (Bajaj Hindustan Ltd.)


Murka Power Project near Bargarh (2x300MW) Distt. Chitrakoot (M/s Creative Thermolite Pvt.Ltd.)


Barabanki Power Project (1x250 MW) Distt. Barabanki  (M/s Parikh Aluminax)


Auriya Power Project (1x250 MW Distt. Auriya (M/s Uniteck Machines Ltd.)


Sandila Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt.Hardoi (M/s Torrent Power Ltd.)


Mirzapur Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt.Mirzapur (M/s Welspun Power Ltd.)


Case-2 Projects


Bara Thermal Power Project (3x660 MW) Distt. Allahabad  (M/s. J.P. Associates)


Karchhana Thermal Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt. Allahabad  (M/s. J.P. Associates)


Jawaharpur Thermal Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt. Etah


U.P. Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (Hydro Generation)

There has been rising demand of power during the last decade but due to various reasons its production has not been raised to meet out the demand.  Installed capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Uttar Pradesh is very low compared to thermal power installed capacity. Consequent upon the creation of new state of Uttaranchal in the year 2000, major portion of the installed hydro generation capacity and the hydro power potential are now located in Uttaranchal while Uttar Pradesh is left with limited possibilities of hydro power potential available only on canals and Dam toes. At the beginning of 12th plan, the present installed hydro generating capacity in the state under UPJVNL is 526.7 MW. The power station wise generation details for F.Y. 2012-13 & F.Y. 2013-14 are given as below:

Name of the Hydro Electric Power Stations           

Installed Capacity

Gross Generation (M.U.)



F.Y. 2012-13



300 MW




99 MW




30.6 MW




72 MW



SHPs on Upper Ganga Canal

15.5 MW



SHPs on East Yamuna Canal  

6 MW



Sheetla SHP                

3.6 MW




526.7 MW



Electricity generated from the above Hydro Power Stations is presently being transmitted to U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. for distribution.

As proposed in 12th Five Year Plan, Renovation & Modernization(R&M) work of reservoir based Rihand (300 MW), Obra (99 MW) & Matatila (30.6 MW) hydro power stations will continue as such these will provide fresh lease of useful life to plant and machineries alongwith better and modern technology resulting in better efficiency, operational ease and lesser maintenance as well as bringing break down/outages to bare minimum, which shall ensure minimum loss of generation. For R&M activities of projects in 12th Five Year Plan, proposal has already been sent to U.P. Govt. No plan outlay (under Plan) has been proposed, however under Outside Plan Outlay, Rs. 300.00 lacs for Rihand, Rs. 100.00 lacs for Obra(H) & Rs. 100.00 lacs for Matatila was proposed from internal resource. 

Based on RLA Study for Renovation & Modernization of the 65-70 years old U.G.C. projects (Nirgazini-5.0 MW, Chittaura-3.0MW, Salawa-3.0 MW & Bhola-2.7 MW) Nigam decided to construct new power house of higher capacity at adjoining sites. As per earlier order of the U.P. Govt. These Projects were to be developed under Upper Ganga Canal Express Way Project in Private Sector under PPP mode, but presently due to delay in execution of Express Way Project hese projects are taken out and are to be developed in private sector under PPP mode. However, if private developer does not show their interest in these projects the same shall be developed by UPJVNL itself.

Besides completion of above mentioned renovation and modernization works, Nigam is in process to construct Khara Small Hydro Project (2x750KW=1500KW) in Distt. Saharanpur under new Scheme during 12th Five Year Plan. Approval for construction has already been accorded by U.P. Govt. This project is likely to be completed by June 2015.
In addition to this, as per Govt. Policy, after identification, U.P. Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. has processed to establish following 10 new Small Hydro Electric Projects under the aegis of PPP mode.


  1. 5 no. SHPs (Ramganga-3.2 MW, Madho-I-3.75 MW, Madho II-2.5 MW, Dunda -3.5 MW and Bandraun-14.0 MW) have been allotted to private developer after selection on the basis of competitive tariff based bidding. The developer has submitted Detailed Project Reports for 04 SHPs except Bandraun which is found unviable. DPR’s of 04 SHP’s have been sent to Irrigation Department for issuing of No Objection Certificate. The matter related for dropping Bandraun SHP which is not viable, is being referred to ETF.
  2. After rebidding of 04 nos. Projects (Khairi-3.75 MW, Shahjahanpur Nahil -2.5 MW, Karmnasa -2.0 MW and Sharda Sagar -1.5 MW) bids for only one SHP, Sharda Sagar was received. After evaluation of the Bid, the Tariff quoted by the L-1 bidder is higher, therefore ETF has directed for rebidding of the project.


Achievement for Financial Year 2012-13

  1. During this period 1607.41 MU energy was generated against the Target of 1587.71 MU which is 1.24% more than the target value.
  2. During this period with regular, proper & quality maintenance of large Power Stations, no major break down occurred with the result that majority of the machines remained available continuously for generation.
  3. Some R&M work on Rihand, Obra Hydel & Matatila Power Stations have been completed and rests are under process.


Work being taken in FY 2013-14

  1. R&M work on M/c No. 3 of Rihand P.S. has been started and is under progress.
  2. R&M work on M/c No.4 of Rihand Power Station is nearly completed.
  3. After Electric R&M activities such as Stator, Rotor winding of Generator, Machine no. 2 of Obra Hydel Power Station was put on bar in June 2013. Mechanical R&M activities are yet to be taken up.
  4. Progress is being ensured to complete R&M works of Obra(H) Power Station & Matatila Power Station so that entire work of R&M works may be completed by FY 2015-16.
  5. Work on Khara SHP (1500KW) has been started. Survey and Investigation work has been completed. Design works of Civil part and Machines are under process.


Proposed Scheme for FY 2014-15

  1. M/c No.4 of Rihand Power Station is expected to be put on load by the end of May 2014.
  2. Two units of Rihand Power Station are expected to be taken up for R&M work. All R&M work of Rihand Power Station is expected to be completed by FY 2015-16.
  3. Management is serious and putting its all efforts to complete R&M works of Obra & Matatila Power Station. R&M on these projects are expected to be completed by FY 2015-16.
  4. Work on Khara SHP (1500KW) has been started and is expected to be completed by June-2015.


Hence for forthcoming financial year 2014-15, the outlay proposal for Annual Plan is as under :-


Hydro Power Station

Under Plan

Outside Plan (From Internal Resources)

Capital subsidy expected to be recd. From MNRE, GOI New Delhi


Renovation & Modernization Work






















New Hydro Electric Power Project


Khara SHP














Transmission Works 
The details of existing transmission network are given below:
Existing Transmission Network


(as on 31-6-2013)

Sub-stations (No./MVA)
(as on 31-6-2013)

765 KV



400 KV



220 KV



132 KV



 At the end of 12th Plan 2012-17, U.P.Power transmission system has to be expanded to cater to total power to meet the evacuation requirement of 30000 MW of power .Accordingly transmission development plan has been framed. The projects of 765 KV & 400 KV project have also been identified and projects of 220 KV & 132 KV are also being developed.Presently following development works of construction of Substations and their associated lines are being carried out,
Transmission East


  1. 765 KV Substation ,one no., at Sonebhadra.
  2. 220KVSubstations,08nos.,at Balia, Kaushambi, Mirzapur, Siddharthnagar, Sonebhadra, Varanasi(03)
  3. 132 KV Substation, 21 nos., at  Allahabad(04), Azamgarh, MehnagarAzamgarh, Mugalsarai, Bhupauli,Chandauli,Deoria,GorakhpurJaunpur,Kaushambi,Bharwari,Mau,GurdeoNagar Mirzapur,LalganjMirzapur, SKNagar,Pratapgarh,Varanasi(03).


Transmission West

  1. 400 KV Substation,03 nos.,at Ghaziabad,NOIDA Sector148,NOIDA Sector123.
  2. 220 KV Substation,09 nos.,at Baghpat, Bulandshahar, GBNagar, Sahibabad, Faridnagar-Ghaziabad, Meerut,
  3. Muzaffarnagar,Rampur,Saharanpur.
  4. 132 KV Substation,27 nos.,at Baghpat, JalilpurBijnor, AfjalgarhBijnor, NaginaBijnor, Anoopshahar,Khurja,Jehangirpur,Bulandshahar,NOIDASector115,MasuriGhaziabad,TilamorhGhaziabad,Govindpuram, Pilkhuwa,KanhaupvanGhaziabad.


Transmission South

  1. 765 KV Substation ,one no., at Agra
  2. 400 KV Substation,03 nos. at Aligarh,Banda,Jalaun.
  3. 220 KV Substation,06 nos.,atAgra,Aligarh,Etawah,Firozabad,Lalitpur,Ramabainagar.
  4. 132 KV Substation,20 nos.,at
  5. Aligarh,Agra,Anoopshahar,Auraiya,Banda,Etawah,Chakarnagar,Jaswantnagar,Tundla, Firozabad,Hamirpur,Jalaun,Jhansi,Kanpur,Lalitpur,MahobaMainpuri,MMNagar, Hathras,Ramabainagar.


This project is being implemented under the Joint Venture of UPRVUNL & NTPC in Tehsil Meja of Distt Alahabad. NTPC and UPRVUNL will have the equity share as 50:50 percent. The State will have 75% share of the electricity generated from this project. The JV Company “Meja Urja Nigam (P) Ltd (MUNPL)” has been formed between UPRVUNL and NTPC. Coal linkage for this project has been approved by Ministry of Coal, GOI. Letter of Assurance for issue coal for 5.59 MT per annum from South Eastern coal field, Chattisgarh has been issued. Environmental Clearance for this project has been accorded in January 2011 by MOEF, Govt. of India. Loan agreement for Rs. 7575.00 Crore has been signed on 06.06.2012 with consortium of sixteen banks led by State Bank of India. The zero date of the project is fixed as 30.04.2012. The proposed full load operation date of 1st & 2nd unit are August-2016 and Febuary-2017 respectively. 

The estimated cost of the project is Rs 10829.58 crore (30% equity and 70% loan), towards which  Rs. 1624.44 crore (UPRVUNL’s share of equity) shall be met as UP Govt. equity towards which Rs 775.69 crores have been provisioned upto 2013-2014. 

3x660 MW Thermal Power Project (Ghatampur): 
This project is proposed to be installed in Tehsil Ghatampur , Distt Kanpur under joint venture of UPRVUNL and Neyveli Lignite Corp (P) Ltd. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd and UPRVUNL will bear the equity share respectively as 51:49 percent. The joint venture agreement (JVA) has already been signed on 06.10.2012 and the joint venture company “Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited (NUPPL)”  has been registered on 09.11.2012.   Topographical survey of the proposed site has been got done through IIT, Kanpur. Feasibility Report has been got prepared by NLC through consultants M/s Fitchner. The land acquisition and appointment of consultant is in progress. PPA has been signed between NLC and UPPCL on 31.12.2013. The MOEF clearance and approval of GOI thereafter for installation of the project is awaited. 

The estimated cost of the project is Rs 14375.40 crore (30% equity and 70% loan), towards which Rs. 2113.18 crore (UPRVUNL’s share of equity) shall be met as UP Govt. equity. 

R&M/ Refurbishment/ Uprating schemes

Ongoing Schemes:

Uprating of unit no. 7 of Harduaganj TPS from 110 MW to 120 MW

Uprating work of Unit no. 7 of Harduaganj TPS is being executed by M/S BHEL. Estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.392.00 crores. Loan of Rs. 313.60 crore has been finalised with PFC and remaining Rs. 78.40 crore shall be met from state government equity/internal resources. Zero date of the scheme is 12.06.2009.  After completion of this scheme capacity of unit no.7 will be enhanced from 110MW to 120MW and 80% PLF is expected with 15 years life extension. The work is scheduled to be completed by June 2014. 

Refurbishment/Up-rating of 5x200 MW Units of Obra ‘B’ TPS

Refurbishment scheme of 5x200 MW Units(unit no. 9 to 13) of Obra ‘B’ was initially costing Rs 1635 Crore but some additional works the cost has become Rs 1702.14 crores. Under this scheme apart from complete R&M of boiler, turbine rotors of these units are to be replaced with advanced design of new rotor to enhance the capacity of each unit from 200 MW to 216 MW. This scheme is being executed through BHEL. Zero date of the scheme is 20.06.2006  and initially it was  proposed to complete the work within 30 months from zero date. The shut down of unit no. 09 was delayed because BHEL has delayed the supply of HP rotor and casing. The shut down of unit no. 9 was given on 02.11.2008 and was got operational in June 2011. Presently BHEL does not have the technology of 216 MW because of the end of contract between BHEL and M/s Power Machines, Russia. Due to this problem the scheme of getting the machine no. 10-13 refurbished on name plate rating has been  got approved by the Energy Task Force of UP Govt on 12.12.2012. M/s BHEL will complete the work of machine no. 10,11,12 & 13 in 33 months wef 25.03.2013. The work on machine no. 10&11 is in progress. Which is scheduled to be completed by March-2015 & June-2015. 

R&M Scheme of unit no. 4 and 5 (2x500 MW) of Anpara ‘B’ TPS 

R&M scheme  of unit no. 4 and 5 of Anpara ‘B’ TPS is being executed by M/S BHEL & M/S MITSUI & Co. Japan, OEM and others.  The total estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.691.97 cr. out of which Loan agreement amounting to Rs 553.576 crore shall be met by  loan from M/s PFC and remaining Rs. 138.39 cr. from UP Govt. equity/internal resources. Work is under progress and is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 2017. After completion of scheme, average PLF of units are expected to be sustained above 90%.

R&M Scheme of unit no. 7 and 8 (2x100 MW) of Obra A TPS

This R&M scheme is being executed by M/S BHEL. Zero date of the scheme is 04.12.2009. Estimated cost of the scheme is Rs.178.00 crores towards which loan of Rs. 142.40 crore has been finalised with PFC and remaining Rs. 35.60 crore shall be met from state government equity/internal resources. Initially this scheme was for unit no. 7 & 8.  Subsequently unit no 8 was given shut down on 26.06.2011 and as per CEA guide lines this unit has been proposed for deletion from the installed capacity.

The  work of unit no.7 is  being carried out and is  proposed to be completed by November-2014.  After completion of the scheme, 60 % average PLF of unit no. 7 is expected and the unit is expected to run for the period of 5 years or more. 

R&M of unit no. 2 of Parichha TPS.

Estimated cost of  this scheme is Rs.287.50 Crore. The Loan of Rs 218.48 Crore has been arranged from PFC and remaining Rs 69.02 Crs shall be required from  Govt. of U.P. BTG  work is  executed by M/S BHEL and BOP by approved vendors of BHEL. The scheme cost includes BTG work of unit no. 2 and BOP work of unit no. 1 & 2 of Parichha TPS. After completion of scheme, average PLF of unit is expected to be sustained near about 75%. The old ESPs are being replaced by new one so that the environmental norms will be achieved, oil coal and auxiliary consumption will be reduced. The electricity generation has been started from unit no. 02 but the balance of plant work is in progress.

R&M  Scheme for unit no.1 of Parichha TPS (1x110 MW)

The R&M  scheme of unit no.1 of Parichha TPS (1x110 MW) is formulated and is proposed to be executed through BHEL and their approved vendors. The estimated cost of the scheme is Rs. 93.89 crores which is to be met by loan from FI (80%) and UP Govt equity (20%). The scheme has been approved by Energy Task Force of UP Govt on 14.03.2013.After completion of this scheme the PLF is expected to improve to 75% from 52.68%. The R&M will also result in reduction in oil, coal and auxiliary consumption and heat rate.
ERP-Networking in U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited and Process Computerization through ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for carrying out most of the routine activities:
UPRVUNL started its IT project named PRAGATI (Process Re-engineering and Growth Acceleration through Technology Infusion) with the aim to transform the organization by computerizing and automating all its major processes and systems through ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Mainly the project includes:

  1. Providing Computers to Employees and establishment of LAN ( Local Area Network)
  2. Business Process Re-Engineering
  3. Establishment of ERP and BI (Business Intelligence ) applications
  4. Establishment of H/W and S/W for monitoring of plant parameters
  5. Reorganization of HR Policy, Organization structure, manpower etc.
  6. Change Management for the above.


This project shall strengthen reporting system, enhance the proper decision taking capability and strengthen the identified weak areas. This will help in reducing generation cost and improve the financial condition of organization. M/s Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd is appointed as consultant for the project.

There is a provision of Rs 8.00 crore in the FY 2013-14 but the withdrawl could not be effected due to want of approval from  Energy Task Force.   

Action Plan under CREP (Corporate Responsibility for Environmental         Protection) for Environmental Protection as per directives of CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) 
An action plan for various works under CREP required to be executed at Anpara, Obra, Panki, Parichha and Harduaganj Thermal Power Stations for meeting out the various norms fixed by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi amounting to Rs. 532.00 Crores have been approved by UPRVUNL Board of Directors. 

Works amounting Rs. 152.00 Crores in respect of Obra B (5X200 MW) are included in the refurbishment scheme for which approval has been given by UP Govt. This work has been awarded to BHEL. Further the work of installation of new ESPs at Harduaganj (unit # 3,5 & 7) and Parichha 2x210 MW has also been awarded to BHEL. The action plan includes mainly following works at all the Thermal Power Stations –


  1. Installation of new ESPs for meeting the emission norms of 100 mg/Nm3 .
  2. Installation of dry fly ash extraction plant .
  3. Installation of opacity meter with online recording facility.
  4. Water Recirculation System.

The CREP Scheme for Anpara Thermal Power Station, estimated cost Rs 228.75 crore, has been approved by Energy Task Force of UP Govt. Under this scheme Dry Fly Extraction System at Anpara ‘A’ TPS(3x210MW), Ash water recirculation system, R&M of ESP, installation of opacity meter, installation of Flue gas conditioning system and Effluent treatment plant are to be executed.  

There will be indirect benefit towards improvement in the generation as the standards fixed by the Central Pollution Control Board will be achieved and therefore it will improve environment of the power stations and its surrounding area.

PPP Infrastructure in Thermal Generation 
To meet the shortfall in availability of power following projects are being taken up under Case-2 and under MOU route in 12th Plan. 

Under Case-2 the State Govt. arranges land, provides water linkage, arranges fuel linkages and obtain all statutory clearances for the project. Govt. of U.P. efforts have resulted into huge participation by private sector in U.P. Power Sector.

The work of Bara (3x660MW) has already been awarded on competitive bidding basis and work is in progress.Two units of this project are scheduled to be commissioned in 2014-15 & third unit in 2015-16. The work for 2x660 MW Karchhna Power Project has been awarded on competitive bidding basis but land acquisition has been quashed by the Hon’ble High Court subject to deposit of compensation by the land owners.In view of the decision of Hon’ble High Court ETF has decided that the land acquisition be done again. Bid process for selection of developer for 2x660 MW Jawaharpur (Etah) Thermal Power Project is under progress.

Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) Projects


  1. Bhognipur Power Project (2x660MW) Distt. Ramabainagar   (M/s Himawat Power Pvt.  Ltd.)


Bhognipur Power Project (Phase-II)2(2x660MW) Distt. Ramabainagar (M/s Lanco Anpara Power Ltd.)


Lalitpur Power Project (3x660MW) Distt. Lalitpur (Bajaj Hindustan Ltd.)


Murka Power Project near Bargarh (2x300MW) Distt. Chitrakoot (M/s Creative Thermolite Pvt.Ltd.)


Barabanki Power Project (1x250 MW) Distt. Barabanki  (M/s Parikh Aluminax)


Auriya Power Project (1x250 MW Distt. Auriya (M/s Uniteck Machines Ltd.)


Sandila Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt.Hardoi (M/s Torrent Power Ltd.)


Mirzapur Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt.Mirzapur (M/s Welspun Power Ltd.)


Case-2 Projects


Bara Thermal Power Project (3x660 MW) Distt. Allahabad  (M/s. J.P. Associates)


Karchhana Thermal Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt. Allahabad  (M/s. J.P. Associates)


Jawaharpur Thermal Power Project (2x660 MW) Distt. Etah


U.P. Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (Hydro Generation) 

There has been rising demand of power during the last decade but due to various reasons its production has not been raised to meet out the demand.  Installed capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Uttar Pradesh is very low compared to thermal power installed capacity. Consequent upon the creation of new state of Uttaranchal in the year 2000, major portion of the installed hydro generation capacity and the hydro power potential are now located in Uttaranchal while Uttar Pradesh is left with limited possibilities of hydro power potential available only on canals and Dam toes. At the beginning of 12th plan, the present installed hydro generating capacity in the state under UPJVNL is 526.7 MW. The power station wise generation details for F.Y. 2012-13 & F.Y. 2013-14 are given as below:

Name of the Hydro Electric Power Stations           

Installed Capacity

Gross Generation (M.U.)



F.Y. 2012-13



300 MW




99 MW




30.6 MW




72 MW



SHPs on Upper Ganga Canal

15.5 MW



SHPs on East Yamuna Canal  

6 MW



Sheetla SHP                

3.6 MW




526.7 MW



Electricity generated from the above Hydro Power Stations is presently being transmitted to U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. for distribution.

As proposed in 12th Five Year Plan, Renovation & Modernization(R&M) work of reservoir based Rihand (300 MW), Obra (99 MW) & Matatila (30.6 MW) hydro power stations will continue as such these will provide fresh lease of useful life to plant and machineries alongwith better and modern technology resulting in better efficiency, operational ease and lesser maintenance as well as bringing break down/outages to bare minimum, which shall ensure minimum loss of generation. For R&M activities of projects in 12th Five Year Plan, proposal has already been sent to U.P. Govt. No plan outlay (under Plan) has been proposed, however under Outside Plan Outlay, Rs. 300.00 lacs for Rihand, Rs. 100.00 lacs for Obra(H) & Rs. 100.00 lacs for Matatila was proposed from internal resource. 

Based on RLA Study for Renovation & Modernization of the 65-70 years old U.G.C. projects (Nirgazini-5.0 MW, Chittaura-3.0MW, Salawa-3.0 MW & Bhola-2.7 MW) Nigam decided to construct new power house of higher capacity at adjoining sites. As per earlier order of the U.P. Govt. These Projects were to be developed under Upper Ganga Canal Express Way Project in Private Sector under PPP mode, but presently due to delay in execution of Express Way Project hese projects are taken out and are to be developed in private sector under PPP mode. However, if private developer does not show their interest in these projects the same shall be developed by UPJVNL itself.

Besides completion of above mentioned renovation and modernization works, Nigam is in process to construct Khara Small Hydro Project (2x750KW=1500KW) in Distt. Saharanpur under new Scheme during 12th Five Year Plan. Approval for construction has already been accorded by U.P. Govt. This project is likely to be completed by June 2015.
In addition to this, as per Govt. Policy, after identification, U.P. Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. has processed to establish following 10 new Small Hydro Electric Projects under the aegis of PPP mode.

  1. 5 no. SHPs (Ramganga-3.2 MW, Madho-I-3.75 MW, Madho II-2.5 MW, Dunda -3.5 MW and Bandraun-14.0 MW) have been allotted to private developer after selection on the basis of competitive tariff based bidding. The developer has submitted Detailed Project Reports for 04 SHPs except Bandraun which is found unviable. DPR’s of 04 SHP’s have been sent to Irrigation Department for issuing of No Objection Certificate. The matter related for dropping Bandraun SHP which is not viable, is being referred to ETF.
  2. After rebidding of 04 nos. Projects (Khairi-3.75 MW, Shahjahanpur Nahil -2.5 MW, Karmnasa -2.0 MW and Sharda Sagar -1.5 MW) bids for only one SHP, Sharda Sagar was received. After evaluation of the Bid, the Tariff quoted by the L-1 bidder is higher, therefore ETF has directed for rebidding of the project.


Achievement for Financial Year 2012-13

  1. During this period 1607.41 MU energy was generated against the Target of 1587.71 MU which is 1.24% more than the target value.
  2. During this period with regular, proper & quality maintenance of large Power Stations, no major break down occurred with the result that majority of the machines remained available continuously for generation.
  3. Some R&M work on Rihand, Obra Hydel & Matatila Power Stations have been completed and rests are under process.


Work being taken in FY 2013-14

  1. R&M work on M/c No. 3 of Rihand P.S. has been started and is under progress.
  2. R&M work on M/c No.4 of Rihand Power Station is nearly completed.
  3. After Electric R&M activities such as Stator, Rotor winding of Generator, Machine no. 2 of Obra Hydel Power Station was put on bar in June 2013. Mechanical R&M activities are yet to be taken up.
  4. Progress is being ensured to complete R&M works of Obra(H) Power Station & Matatila Power Station so that entire work of R&M works may be completed by FY 2015-16.
  5. Work on Khara SHP (1500KW) has been started. Survey and Investigation work has been completed. Design works of Civil part and Machines are under process.


Proposed Scheme for FY 2014-15

  1. M/c No.4 of Rihand Power Station is expected to be put on load by the end of May 2014.
  2. Two units of Rihand Power Station are expected to be taken up for R&M work. All R&M work of Rihand Power Station is expected to be completed by FY 2015-16.
  3. Management is serious and putting its all efforts to complete R&M works of Obra & Matatila Power Station. R&M on these projects are expected to be completed by FY 2015-16.
  4. Work on Khara SHP (1500KW) has been started and is expected to be completed by June-2015.

Hence for forthcoming financial year 2014-15, the outlay proposal for Annual Plan is as under :-


Hydro Power Station

Under Plan

Outside Plan (From Internal Resources)

Capital subsidy expected to be recd. From MNRE, GOI New Delhi


Renovation & Modernization Work






















New Hydro Electric Power Project


Khara SHP














Transmission Works 
The details of existing transmission network are given below:
Existing Transmission Network


(as on 31-6-2013)

Sub-stations (No./MVA)
(as on 31-6-2013)

765 KV



400 KV



220 KV



132 KV



 At the end of 12th Plan 2012-17, U.P.Power transmission system has to be expanded to cater to total power to meet the evacuation requirement of 30000 MW of power .Accordingly transmission development plan has been framed. The projects of 765 KV & 400 KV project have also been identified and projects of 220 KV & 132 KV are also being developed.Presently following development works of construction of Substations and their associated lines are being carried out,

Transmission East

  1. 765 KV Substation ,one no., at Sonebhadra.
  2. 220KVSubstations,08nos.,at Balia, Kaushambi, Mirzapur, Siddharthnagar, Sonebhadra, Varanasi(03)
  3. 132 KV Substation, 21 nos., at  Allahabad(04), Azamgarh, MehnagarAzamgarh, Mugalsarai, Bhupauli,Chandauli,Deoria,GorakhpurJaunpur,Kaushambi,Bharwari,Mau,GurdeoNagar Mirzapur,LalganjMirzapur, SKNagar,Pratapgarh,Varanasi(03).


Transmission West

  1. 400 KV Substation,03 nos.,at Ghaziabad,NOIDA Sector148,NOIDA Sector123.
  2. 220 KV Substation,09 nos.,at Baghpat, Bulandshahar, GBNagar, Sahibabad, Faridnagar-Ghaziabad, Meerut,
  3. Muzaffarnagar,Rampur,Saharanpur.
  4. 132 KV Substation,27 nos.,at Baghpat, JalilpurBijnor, AfjalgarhBijnor, NaginaBijnor, Anoopshahar,Khurja,Jehangirpur,Bulandshahar,NOIDASector115,MasuriGhaziabad,TilamorhGhaziabad,Govindpuram, Pilkhuwa,KanhaupvanGhaziabad.


Transmission South

  1. 765 KV Substation ,one no., at Agra
  2. 400 KV Substation,03 nos. at Aligarh,Banda,Jalaun.
  3. 220 KV Substation,06 nos.,atAgra,Aligarh,Etawah,Firozabad,Lalitpur,Ramabainagar.
  4. 132 KV Substation,20 nos.,at
  5. Aligarh,Agra,Anoopshahar,Auraiya,Banda,Etawah,Chakarnagar,Jaswantnagar,Tundla, Firozabad,Hamirpur,Jalaun,Jhansi,Kanpur,Lalitpur,MahobaMainpuri,MMNagar, Hathras,Ramabainagar.